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Tripping Daisy - Soothing Jubilee - Lyrics Meaning

The song was recorded on Tripping Daisy's self-titled, last studio album that was released in 2000. The band split apart in December of 1999 after the death of guitarist Wes Berggren. His father Don played the electric piano on Soothing Jubilee, which was unfinished at the time of Berggren's death. The song is somber, and would be even if the circumstances around it where not so unfortunate. Lead singer Tom Delaughter seems to be saying goodbye and issuing an apology to the listener. "When all is said and done, the better man won" is a self-deprecating line that describes losing the battle of depression. The weight of the world is referenced in the chorus multiple times, which is another indication of depression.

When DeLaughter says, "Let's make believe we're truly aging" it is his way of saying that we should not dwell on each day as getting closer to death, but actually that we should embrace life. The sarcasm in that line is fitting even if the meaning does not coincide with rest of the song tonally. In the last verse, the singer gets back to his apology by urging those left behind to move on with their lives and not dwell on what might have been the "final excuse". Lyrically a very sad song.