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Daughtry - No Surprises - Lyrics Meaning

No Surprises by Daughtry explains how a relationship that began so well ended up fizzling out. He realized that it was time for their relationship to end, and he did not want to do it on a bad note. He spent hours rehearsing how he was going to break up with her, and as he became more comfortable with the idea, he realized that it was something that had to be done. There was not a reason for "wrapping this in ribbons", and he did not feel the need to give a reason why, because she is on the other end of the relationship and she should have felt what was lacking as much as he was.

They were very much in love, but they did not have what it took to stand the test of time. The lyrics state that it should not be a surprise they are breaking up because the "the loving look that's left your eyes". He noticed that she was not happy, and after reaching down and pulling out feelings they have been stashing away, he realized he felt the same. He knows that they "will be a tough act to follow", but he is confident that he is making the right decision and that they will both appreciate the fact in the future.

11. Pink - Please Don't Leave Me

Meanings of other songs by Daughtry:
It's Not Over
No Surprise