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Old 03-24-2012, 01:31 PM   #35 (permalink)
blankety blank
Join Date: Nov 2011
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Originally Posted by Tuna View Post
There was no implosion, this has been confirmed by numerous structural engineers. The ones who do believe it was an implosion are kids on the internet that want to champion a cause, because they saw one video with a bunch of 'facts' and some spooky music in the background.
I watched it clearly on t.v. It sure looked like an implosion. I don't particularly care what the kids on the internet think, but, they fell straight down. i'm not suggesting that it is an absolute fact that they were, but, it looked kind of odd the way they fell.

And, it would be far from the first time that thousands of lives were sacrificed for a certain cause of 'liberation'.

Roosevelt did everything possible to bait Hitler to attack us in the Atlantic. He didn't bite, so, we blockaded the Japanese from getting to oil supplies in the Pacific. Find the real story behind Pearl Harbor dude.

I actually went back to college in 2001, and, majored in History and Religious Studies. i had this professor who taught several American history courses. He didn't require a textbook, and, was very knowledgeable concerning the way things really happened, and, unafraid to share. We actually became quite good friends. The things he taught me, you won't find in history books.

And, by the way, who actually hired the structural engineers? These people can pay anyone to say anything they want us to hear! And, what 'cause' are these kids championing? Nothing. No one gives a crap, and, if Noam Chomsky can't get any press, how are a bunch of kids going to make any difference?

And, they did find out that the war was a miserable failure. So, they are coming up with new plans, like bankrupting the entire world to start all over again. But, they made a mistake in bringing China into this mess. If America does not step up, and, bring some social order to this planet, the Chinese will. And, Israel is sniffing nukes in Iran, and, preparing for some serious conflict. We armed Israel, and, the U.K. armed every country surrounding them, after conveniently convincing the major powers to support a Zionist state, and, then pulling all the troops out of Palestine circa 1948.

911 is history. We'll never know the real story i'm sure, but, i fear that was only a prelude of things to come. There's idiocy on both sides of this fanaticism all over ignorant ideologies, based on myths written millenniums ago. The world is a festering zit just waiting to erupt.

The bold is the only reply, or even a point you need to address if you like. The rest is rambling, and, if you think it's nonsense; then it is to you.

But, beware of those black helicopters they inject into your skin via inoculations They know where you are tuna, and, their watching you

And, do you know what 'annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum' actually translates to 'word for word'?

I'll give you a hint. It is not 'he has approved of our undertakings to begin a new order for the ages'.
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