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Thread: Drink driving
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Old 01-20-2015, 03:00 PM   #20 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Trollheart View Post
Well, glad to see everyone here agrees it's a stupid thing to do. And yet so many do it. You'd have to wonder why? When you're drunk, does the idea of crashing into someone not enter your head, or do you think "**** them I'm gonna do what I like gimme those keys"? I've only been drunk twice in my life, and as I say I don't and can't drive so the situation has never come up, but I'd like to think that even then, had I been able to, I would have been in enough of a fit state of mind to know not to get behind the wheel. So why do people do it? Is it seen as a "**** you" to the cops? Seen as their right? Or not even thought about at all (maybe till it's too late)?

No matter how many heart-rending ads they run on TV, showing the effects of drink driving, people still seem to ignore it and go ahead. I mean, if you were drunk and someone handed you a loaded gun would you fire it? Is there that much of a loss of control/common sense when you're drunk? I ask because as I say I hardly drink and I just can't get my head around the state people get into when drunk.
Think for most people it comes down to thinking they'll be OK as they're not that pissed.

Either that or it's a short distance. Unless you're absolutely steaming past the point of thinking straight.
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