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Old 04-09-2015, 09:12 PM   #205 (permalink)
John Wilkes Booth
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Join Date: Jul 2013
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Originally Posted by RoxyRollah View Post
See, I was an extremely laid back evangelist. I wait on you to tell me your story, and if you give me an opening Ill take it. I was saying your approach in general sucks. If you came up to me in church the way you come at me on the forum I'd feed you the bible, starting with Genesis and ending with Revelation page per page brah. Because I am not a science project, you know what I mean cause we have talked about this, so if yer approach was the same in church, then yeah you might not get very far. But as for others that is the normal way of evangelizing people is cramming worthless **** down peoples throats, and even approaching the topic of changing the way we do that is a touchy subject, I have sat in on many a deacons meeting and discussed it with other church members and there is a disconnect there that happens. Its an old way of doing things, and the church's inability to evolve is what is making it die out. Has nothing to do with science and not being able to prove there is a God. Church is about community, and having a place where like minded people can hang the **** out and do the same thing. And just like any club, cyclists, knitters or what have you the only way to gain more of a following is to just do what you do on a regular basis, there is no need beat people into submission with the bible while wrinkling your nose at the very person you are trying to help, then sit there and wonder why there is a skeleton crew in church. It's counter productive.

Like I said my problem isn't with the Lord, it's with man, and the body of Christ is work in progress as much as the souls that they are trying to save are, the difference is the crack heads and prostitutes that they are ministering to are straight up about their flaws. Where as the long standing members can be judgmental morons,
that think they already got it made in the shade when they die. I try not to prey on people in their moments of darkness, doubt , and weakness, because that is when 65% of people cry out to God for help when they are weak and going through ****, and most church people see the pain on someones face as an opportunity to save them at that moment. And that is the wrong solution to their problem, because more then likely that person breaking down in the row ahead of you needs a shoulder to lean on, a human shoulder, a very real shoulder. Offering them a tissue and pulling them into the vestibule and hugging them, while listening to their story is waaaay more effective in getting their heart to open to the word of God vs barrating them into hearing it.

And again on the cult thing bro, personally I don't trust you enough to even begin to open a discussion with you.First off something that second gen cult survivors suffer from is a deep seeded mistrust of people, and you always ask why I am so secretive, that is one of the reasons, and it's not just with that subject or you, it's everyone and and almost every subject, until you give me reason to trust you. That is something deeply rooted in my psychopathology, and it's part of who I am at my base and core makeup. And that has to do with my experiences growing up. You will be hard pressed to find cult members ex or active that will talk to you about what they went through, or are going through, because you WILL NOT UNDERSTAND. It's not something you can understand brother as much as you want to, as hard as you try. I have spoken to 6 people in my life about what I went through as a child. 2 were lovers of mine that actually ranked up there enough for me to get up close and personal with, 1 is the bat and he got a very loose watered down version, and the other three are former members as well. Some of this stuff is so, off the wall, dark, isolating, and just plain evil, that I can not put it into words, for you. So now do you understand, why I don't discuss it, or why I can't spell, or have a million dollar back tax debt to the government, because those are all side effects of what was done to me, and I didn't have a choice, and I couldn't just up and leave until I was legally an adult. And unlike people who just join a cult as an adult because it sounds groovy, I do not have a base personality I can return too. You understand? Everything I learned as a child, was wrong, yet it's what I know, so there are times yes wen I revert back to what I know as an adult, and that cannot be helped. So it's a struggle, every ****ing day of my life to have some degree of normalcy and having some one prod you because they are interested in cults in general is irritating and infuriating at times because I don't have a way to tell you what it was like .
whoa. i'll read this later man currently busy watching a doc on scientology lol
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