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Old 06-15-2016, 09:12 PM   #68 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Frownland View Post
You're right, everything might be a lie and that thousands of people are lying to you to make you believe something that doesn't benefit them in any way. Or, the facts are actually facts. Claiming conspiracy is just a lazy tactic to avoid backing up your statements.
Actually, it does benefit a certain few. From what I can tell, those few are somewhere among the freemasons. The freemasons are one of the most (if not the most) prevalent societies on the planet. Their founder is said to be Pythagoras himself, and they've continued to expand since his time. Do a wiki search on all the lodges they own and operate. It might blow your mind.

See, if the Earth is flat, it was designed intelligently. I don't know by whom, but something intelligent. If any of the ancient cultures were onto something, there is certainly evidence of (in writing, art, monuments, empires built in dedication to) deities. If the Earth is flat, like the ancients thought it was, and intelligent designers exist, then our responsibilities as human beings would be a lot different than they are now. Right now, they say money makes the world go round. Well, what makes money go round? Narcissism. Self-obsession.

As a society we've become slaves to our desires. He who controls the money controls the people. We've allowed ourselves to become this way because our cultural ethics are completely polluted. We have nothing greater than ourselves to pay tribute to, so we fill that void with meaningless entertainment. That's my thoughts.
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