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Old 05-27-2004, 12:51 AM   #26 (permalink)
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Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 50

Originally Posted by IamAlejo
America has helped out more countries than any other country on the map, often helping too much, and has led to our National Debt. It's not our own buying that has put us where we are. But the one thign that cracks me up...the "huge supply of oil". Yeah, we started this war for oil. Especially when we have oil in Alaska that we haven't cracked. Especially when Saudi Arabia has twice as much oil as Iraq. We decided we'd go to Iraq so we could get second most. Good point. [end sarcasm]. If the war was for oil, we would have totally destroyed everything, which in my point is almost the way to go now with all the resistance. We have been trying to help Iraqi civilians, setting up schools etc, but often they are the spots attacked by the refugees (since we'd least expect it) Often CNN and other news casts are run by Democrats, and FOX is run by Republicans. Very different news casts are on every night. I truly don't trust either 100%. But that's just me.
Inform your self before you say the US has helped out more countries than any other country has. Ok, first of all, you have the greatest economy! Of course France or Germany cant give as much as you. The thing that is a better index at telling if your helping out more is the percent of your GNP that your spending on aid to other nations. Compare that # to the % spent on defense, you will see where I am coming from. We spend more money on military than our own school and health system. I am from Canada and we have universal health care, we get more taxed for it, but thats also a reason we have more trouble sending help to other nations. Even if this stands true, we still have a larger % of our GNP sent to other nations in aid. I dont know what your refering to and if its the World Bank or IMF your speaking of, well let me tell you they arent part of the American Government and they are screwing up the world anyways.

What made you go in debt was not AID, we havent increased it!!! We werent in dept as much as we are now before. So if the aid has been a constant, whats the variable? OH!!! September 11th and the small depression we had and omg, let me guess, the WAR!!! We spend more than 1 billion, listen to those coins fall, not 1/2 a billion, but a billion dollars A WEEK on military operations in Iraq.

And if you want to go drill in Alaska, a place where you get much of your fish, well your the one who wants to eat mercury and oil filled fish. Go ahead, do that. The smartest thing you can do I guess. Alaska will not give us that much oil first of all and it wont benefit us in the long run because of the cost and effect of drilling there. You have to understand that the oil in Alaska needs a lot of refining to do while the oil in the middle east is just pumped up like having a straw in a drink. Alaskan oil is oil that has dirt and other residue in it.

There is a reason we didnt attack Saudi Arab! Why would u think that? OH, because we have like maybe just a little amount of soldiers and bases there. Even airport at that. They are our allies too. Weird, most of the Sept. 11 hijackers were Saudi. Hm, they are our allies? Yeah, we call them our allies. The family in rule are dictators, but we love them that way, just like we liked Saddam. Why would we make our intentions obvious? Lets just attack the second most and we wills till have alot of oil and we cant be blamed for our intentions because if oil was our main reason, than we would of attack Saudi Arabia. But wait, they are larger and more developed. They also have our weapons and they also havent been bomb the bejesus out of them for more than 10 years and they also dont have sanctions on them and they also didnt try to assassinate daddy bush and they also are not next to Iran, want me to continue? They also dont have WMD like we provided to Saddam and they also didnt shoot scuds at our little buddies the Jews. Want me to go on? My fingers are now starting to hurt, so I will progress to better things.

We destroyed everything? Hm, I thought that was before the war? Back when they didnt think of this grand plan. During the war I heard they tried not to shoot electrical plants and water system. Wherent the lights on in Baghdad while all hell broke loose and the bombs fell in "shock and awe"? I know your agreeing with me now, because thats what you said, you said they didnt destroy everything and they would of if we wanted oil. Ok, when you say everything, shooting or destroying every important building is not going to kill the people who are attacking us now. We are being attacked by dads, kids, and families. So if your solution was to just nuke the place and get ride of everything, then your just an idiot, but Ill be optimistic and assume you just generalized and didnt mean everything. Because you know that if you destroy many buildings or "everything" like you said, that includes the oil refineries we will need to REBUILD and SPEND AMERICAN TAX DOLLARS ON. So spending more money and time to destroy everything and rebuild everything, thats ur solution? I guess not. Your just saying we should now because people are shooting us from Mosques. So lets shoot the mosques like we did like 2 weeks ago and lets make 1 billion Muslims around the world pissed off at us more then they are already and make not 10,000 terrorist but 1 million or 2. Either way, ur arguement makes no sense and your being general.

So I guess the only reason to "attack" Iraq was to save the poor Iraqis then. Because we magically care for the citizens of a country we sanctioned for more than 10 years. Makes sense in ur head I guess. We like spending money on people we dont know and we have favorites now and I assume Iraqis are the only ones we want to help. Or we just want to start helping them then cure the plague and disease that we think is engraved in the minds of all those extremists. So we go there and have a foothold now in the arab land and now we can embark on our renewed crusade, like a born again christian. Then again we have Saudi Arabia, our little buddies, the ones who beat their whives and stone people. Those people arent suffering, we shouldnt help them, the Iraqis are suffering. Not those beat up whives.

So we are helping Iraqis so much, we really didnt expect them to attack back at us. No, for sure, we take their country and we expect them to be submissive. What is it with you man? If someone took the US, I would be mad too. Give me the gun and I will fight the infidels, of what ever you want ot call them. We do the same thing, but we go ravage other places that havent attacked us here. We first fought the infidels, then the communist, then those drug lords that we never seem to find and we always have more and more drugs, why not legalize them? Dont know really. Christians would flip like inverted crosses. Then we blame it on the "terrorists", the reasons for war always change and the intent always the same; conquest. This American nation is an empire that was based on good intentions but has grown sour. I pray that someone fixes this hate and destruction before we turn into something like the book 1984 speaks of. Fox news is just our telescreen. Let big brother (bush) speak to us directly with his radio and tv addresses. Nothing significant is spoken about but we always know that the enemy is on us and they are plotting and we must build more arms then them or attack them first before they do. Dont u see the similarities? We attacked the Taliban without credible proof! Dont get me wrong, I do think the Taliban helped Al-Qaeda, but I also look at the hypocrosy of judging before proven guilty approach we have to world politics. So anyways, I am out. Try to debate against the truth and die failing.
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