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Hinder - Lips of an Angel - Lyrics Meaning

The lyrics of Lips of an Angel by Hinder explain the challenges two ex-lovers are experiencing while trying to get over each other. The two of them were able to move on physically, and they found a new boyfriend and girlfriend to help them ease the wounds. However, they are unable to forget each other and they cannot force them out of their minds. They are having doubts on whether they should have made the decision to break up in the first place, but they feel forced to follow through on their decision.

The ex-girlfriend is emotional about the fact that they cannot be together, and she had to call him to hear his voice. His new girlfriend is in the next room, so the conversation has to be quick and secretive. He describes her voice as "so sweet" and when she says his name, it comes from the "lips of an angel". His tender descriptions of her make it clear that there is still love shared between them. The line "sometimes I wish she was you" tells her that he is happy with his new girlfriend, but he does have doubts at times and he misses her.

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