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Muse - Map of the Problematique - Lyrics Meaning

The song that is titled "Map of the Problematique" is a song from the alternative rock band known as Muse. This particular song was released on the bands 2006 album which was titled "Black Holes and Revelations." The Map of the Problematique song was released as the fifth and final single from the black holes and revelations album.

The song is constantly being analyzed by fans and listeners in order to determine what the true meaning behind the song is. The different interpretations of the song regarding the meaning can be quite different depending on the person who is listening. As for the title of the song, it is referencing the club of Rome who create a map that reveals a series of events and challenges that the world may encounter at some point in the future.

The lyrics to the song reveal that two people have been separated from each other for some reason or another. The song expresses feelings of being lonely, not wanting to accept the fact of the separation, and the fact that they have not felt the same since they met the other person. With this information, it insinuates a fact that some things do not happen the way that we wanted them to happen. However, we need to learn to accept this fact and take responsibility when needed.