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Simon and Garfunkel - Sound of Silence - Lyrics Meaning

`Sound of silence' was Simon and Garfunkel's first major hit. Paul Simon wrote it fresh out of college while working for a music company that paired lyrics with artists'. After failing to place any songs Paul would write his own pieces for the company.

In a serendipitous occurrence Paul had an argument with the company and parted ways with them, refusing to give them his latest piece, `Sound of Silence'.

Born from teenage angst the writer realizes that in actual fact no one has much hold in the world, from politicians to college graduates. (`Hear my words that I might teach you, but my words, like silent raindrops fell')

Simons' says that the songs success is largely down to its easy to follow melody and accessible, if not simplistic, message.

Civilization inevitably plummets to its demise while being wallowed in the messages of savior it is not yet ready to accept or even recognize. Messages that are, ironically, delivered by mankind's own musings, taking the form of neon signs which reads:

`"The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls,

and tenement halls",

and whispered in the sounds of silence'