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mind vs. Mind Blog Tools
Creation Date: 01-23-2007 02:06 PM
everything is beautiful from some perspective, everything is ugly from some perspective. everything is true from some perspective, everything is false from some perspective. go under, rise above.
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In Music Psychadelic Rock Entry Tools
  #4 New 01-28-2007 04:49 PM
Psychadelic rock seems to be a genre that carries very heavy connotations. The Beatles, The Grateful Dead, Jefferson Airplane, and Pink Floyd all immediately pop into the forefront of the mind. These bands, though considered by most to define the principle elements of "psychadelic rock," also give it a bad reputation, in my opinion. Psychadelic rock was about more than simply extended guitar solos and distorted vocals with multiple layers of reverb and echo. In some cases, like that of the 13th Floor Elevators, it was about fusing the trippy pop sounds generally associated with the Beatles with raw and upbeat garage rock. In the case of bands such as The Red Krayola or The United States of America, it was all about introducing into rock music heavy doses of the avant-garde. Needless to say, my favorite psychadelic rock albums are those that are all about experimenting. So, instead of giving you the essentials, I'll recommend some albums, because whereas Jefferson Airplane's "Surrealistic Pillow" might be an "essential" psychadelic rock album, it doesn't really do much for me, so instead, here are some of my favorites:

The United States of America - S/T
Giles, Giles & Fripp - The Cheerful Insanity of Giles, Giles & Fripp
13th Floor Elevators - The Psychadelic Sounds of the 13th Floor Elevators
The Red Krayola - God Bless the Red Krayola and All Who Sail With It
Skip Spence - Oar
Love - Forever Changes
Flower Travellin' Band - Satori

The United States of America - S/T

Not to be confused with that post-grunge band, the United States of America were an avant-garde psychadelic band in the late 60's who appear, to me, to be the clearest precursors to Faust and Can in the entire psychadelic camp, who were using crazy electronics to such an insane extent before anyone else was, and who still succeed in making brilliant off-kilter tunes that are worth listening to by anyone with even a fleeting interest in krautrock or early-Pink Floyd era style psychadelica. They only made one album but it is quite the masterpiece. Fuck Piper at the Gates of Dawn, this is where it's at.


Love - Forever Changes

Rated by many to be the best album of all time, I wouldn't go quite that far, but it's certainly a great album. Most of it is pretty straight forward poppy psychadelic rock, but you can hardly hold that against them, because they do it so damn well. Every song on here is an instant classic, full to the brim of beautiful, psychadelic bliss. When I listened to it the first time, it sort of slipped by me, but then I listened to it again, and again, and by the third time I recognized it as a masterpiece.


The Red Krayola - God Bless the Red Krayola and All Who Sail With It

Here's another album that's sure to get divided opinions. It's fans hail it as a visionary album decades ahead of its time, and see in it the roots for punk, new wave, post-punk, and indie rock. It's detractors say its an unlistenable pretentious piece of garbage. Who's right? They're both probably a little right. It has its incredibly pretentious moments (see: "Listen to This") but at the same time it is completely unlike anything else being recorded in 1968, and quite unlike anything else I have ever heard. I can't guarantee whether or not you'll like it, but, if you're anything like me, it'll find a special little crevasse in your heart to occupy.


Giles, Giles & Fripp - The Cheerful Insanity of Giles, Giles & Fripp

This is one of the most quirky, whymsical, and delightfully British albums I have ever heard. Not only are the songs odd, poppy and experimental slices of artsy psychadelia, the snippets of "story" that come between the songs are incredibly hilarious. This album will make you laugh out loud and blow you away at the same time. Get into it.

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Country Joe & the Fish - Electric Music for the Mind and Body

This is a pretty straight-forward accessible psychadelic rock album. Some of its songs are very Doors-y, and all of them are very feel-good easy-going pieces of rock. Very chill and good.
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Views: 3231 | Comments: 13

RSS Feed 13 Responses to "Psychadelic Rock"
#13 02-03-2014 03:07 PM
countrymus Says:
hey what do you guys think of modern psychedelic music with that vintage feel? like tame impala, dungen, radio moscow? some white denim? jolta? they re pretyyy new tho, have a listen love this band!
#12 09-16-2013 07:15 AM
bassbassbass Says:
Nice mate. Great to see good music still circulating. Just came across some psychedelic reggae! The Empires Lion - walk, talk, wolf
#11 02-15-2013 11:06 PM
Kevin.Mc Says:
#10 01-10-2013 01:40 PM
musikjunky87 Says:
Thank you for the music my friend! if you have time to spare and LOVE Sex, Sassy Rock n Roll - give Stikyfüt a listen. They only have one "Live EP" on the web right now, but its a solid local band in my city.
#9 04-19-2011 03:05 PM
hers a good rap ryme. dont judge me dude. u dont know what the f*** ive been through
#8 10-18-2010 02:52 PM check out this blog if you love music
#7 10-18-2010 02:52 PM check out this blog if you love music
#6 01-08-2008 06:31 PM
Mr. Mojo330 Says:
There are still people with a brain left in this world. Thank you for the music my friend.
#5 05-06-2007 03:34 AM
tttsss Says:
is there anyone who just wants to live in this century?Music is going down the drain. For all of us who got to be teens in the late 90's, be grateful. It's not the same anymore.
#4 05-06-2007 03:31 AM
tttsss Says:
pink floyd, yah. Jimmy Hendrix, Zeplin, The Doors, Beautiful!!!!
#3 01-28-2007 10:25 PM
God Bless the Red Krayola is a lot less noisy than their debut, though probably just as experimental. In my opinion a much better album. If you haven't heard it already, check out Giles, Giles & Fripp, it's such a brilliant album.
#2 01-28-2007 09:47 PM
Been after some more Red Krayola for ages but it`s so hard to find anything.I only have their debut album. Mayo Thompson was the in house producer for Rough Trade in the early 80s so his production credits read like a whos-who of post punk.Thats pretty much how I discovered them in the first place.
#1 01-28-2007 08:10 PM
I like it when you do this. It entertains me, plus i can check out the bands.

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