Music Banter - Where'd the good stuff go? Music Banter

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Blogs Go Ranting Blog Tools
Creation Date: 02-18-2009 09:19 PM
emo_tomboy22 emo_tomboy22 is offline
This is where I share my feelings on the world's problems, music, my thoughts, emotions, and other random things I pick up along the way
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Status: Public
Entries: 1
Comments: 2
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In Music Where'd the good stuff go? Entry Tools
  #1 New 02-21-2009 02:50 PM
God, I hate society! Nobody likes real music anymore! They dont listen to songs with meaning! No one likes to have any kind of emotion in music! 90% of the people at my school listen ONLY to rap or hip-hop, or the crappy new pop/country stuff.
Have any of you ever read the book Just Listen by Sarah Dessen? Owen is just like me. I am just like him. I have anger issues, my parents went through a divorce, I have an annoying little sibling who listens to crap, and I am "musically enlightened", like he is.
It sucks when people are so clueless about all the good stuff out there. I try to make some mix CDs to give to our DJ at lunch, but he only plays some of it...
When I get into High School, I'm going to get a job as a DJ, or I'll see if I can get my own time slot on the radio, and start my own radio show. That would be so cool...
Ok, well I gotta go... I'm going down to the CD store in a minute... Later...
Views: 327 | Comments: 2

RSS Feed 2 Responses to "Where'd the good stuff go?"
#2 05-15-2014 09:38 AM
people do listen to real music it all matters on your definition of "real music" most poeple would say the same to what you listen to, i for instance listen to post hard-core music but another person might listen to dupstep and weed have conflicting veiws on "real music"
#1 06-11-2013 11:33 AM
Kid Cough Says:
Hey guys, I have recently created a soundcloud. On their is an unedited preview to my album coming out out this June! Check out Kid Cough on soundcloud. If you like it, like me on facebook!

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