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Pushing 40 Blog Tools
Creation Date: 01-09-2008 08:13 AM
Mr Nic Mr Nic is offline
Occasionally Curmudgeonly
Counting down the days. One man's futile attempt to hold back time and talk about the sh*te that happens when you realise that you're old.
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Status: Public
Entries: 3
Comments: 3
Views: 3,743

In Angry Stupid People Entry Tools
  #3 New 02-15-2008 03:13 PM
I hate stupid people. It shouldn't take me 3 pints of Guinness, 2 G&Ts and a bottle of red wine to realise this, but it does. I put up with stupid people out of politeness but in reality they piss me off extremely. F*ck the f*ck off with your self centered, up your own arse sh*te. If you had anything interesting to say It would be a f*cking miracle. I don't force my opinions or views on you so why the f*ck should I nod with interest at your sh*te. No more. I'm sick of doing the polite thing - it's sh*te and gets you nowhere. It'd be a lot bloody easier if everyone was a bit more honest with each other and just said what they're thinking - not that I want to upset anyone, I just don't want to listen to crap anymore. I'm thinking of getting anyone new I meet to fill in a questionnaire on tastes and complete an IQ test. It'd save a lot of bloody hassle along the way. Bah!
Views: 725 | Comments: 2

RSS Feed 2 Responses to "Stupid People"
#2 08-20-2009 11:55 AM
I completely agree, i am 18 and already tired of listening to peoples ****, They just bring up a conversation having something to do with what ever subject that just "got a promotion", or did "this and that" in,just so they can ramble on about their own pointless life.
#1 05-09-2008 11:46 AM
Whatsitoosit Says:
I am very fast to tell my co-workers/friends and family when they are talking too much, not making sense or just distracting me. It's not as easy to do this with strangers though... I feel your pain.

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