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Creation Date: 01-18-2007 07:32 AM
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In Lifestyle Tested Part#2 Entry Tools
  #3 New 01-19-2007 10:42 AM
So here is my paradox: I did nothing to lead this girl on and I have racked my brain to think of anything that I may have said to send her this signal. I was very upfront about being married and mentioned my wife during our conversation and she mentioned her boyfriend quite a bit as well. The thing that bothers me is: I wanted to. She has a boyfriend, I'm married, and this girl was smoking hot.

I am going to mark this experience down as a side effect of my lack of job satisfaction and my lack of quality time with my wife. So what I have been doing is trying to make "dates" with my wife and setting more time aside for her, I have also stopped going to a bar after work and have begun coming right home and immersing myself in a book until I feel the desire to go to bed. I always thought a mid-life crisis would come in the form of a sportscar for me and I had never imagined that an hour of sweaty strange sex would be that attractive of an offer for me, but it was and the whole experience was pretty hot.

Lord give me strength as this is my tenth year of marriage and a divorce would be a real nightmare, I love my wife like crazy and I can't imagine life without her. After every ten years of marriage I think a guy should be entitled to one piece of strange just to see what it is like, and I wouldn't be adverse to women doing the same. Face it folks, imagine sleeping with the same person every day for TEN YEARS!!! Things become automatic and routine

Anyhoo the moral of the story is: I did the right thing, but I REALLY wanted to do the wrong thing
Views: 1274 | Comments: 5

RSS Feed 5 Responses to "Tested Part#2"
#5 11-08-2007 08:06 PM
Dark Party Says:
Think about it this way. You wouldn't even enjoy it -- you'd be wracked with guilt before, during and after. And "after" you'd feel even worse because then the desire is all gone and you're left with the reality of the situation -- that it was awkward and not all that great (because first time sex with someone is rarely good). You like the fantasy of "strange" sex. We all do. But reality ain't fantasy.
#4 01-22-2007 04:06 PM
Go to a sexy lingerie shop and buy your wife some hot stuff and maybe you'll have a better sex life? I dunno, it's what they say in the advice columns :P
#3 01-20-2007 06:37 PM
_Spinning_ Says:
I find it incredible that a man, such as yourself, was able to turn down a one nighter with a hot woman. I really do applaud you on this, MJ. Well done.
#2 01-19-2007 01:33 PM
No, by all means feel free. I welcome any comments
#1 01-19-2007 11:57 AM
adidasss Says:
It doesn't matter that you wanted to do the wrong thing, you're married, not dead, it was much harder to do right by your wife than to let go and let your dick take charge. I applaud your brain for prevailing. (Btw, you don't mind me commenting right, I realize this is more like your diary or a release valve, but I assume you want some communication going too.)

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