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Random music. Blog Tools
Creation Date: 03-25-2010 11:33 PM
SBWNik SBWNik is offline
Music Addict
A music journalist learning as he goes, a frustrated writer, and a man of opinions... Bear with me, I'll be upsetting you too.
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Status: Public
Entries: 7
Comments: 31
Views: 8,384

In Happy So whats it all about, Nik? Entry Tools
  #1 New 03-26-2010 10:28 PM
I'm in a lucky postition. Not only do I like forms of music that isn't hugely popular, meaning that my regular trawls of eBay net me a lot of very cheap music, but I get sent freebies on a regular basis due to my part time job. A lot of it is - to be fair - crap, but by far the majority is of a good to excellent standard. Which leads me to one of the two aims of this blog...
What I intend to do here is to review EVERY new aquisition I have. Good, bad or truly bloody awful, they'll all be here at some point. I'll not be posting reviews that I have written for publication in the mag I work for, as they tend to frown on me giving an entirely blunt and honest opinion, and even more so at me publishing stuff that they're paying me for, but will still be covering the same releases in greater depth.
The second aim of this bit of cyberspace is to give air to random irritations I have about the world of (not very) popular music, and my perceptions of how it is viewed. If there is one thing I do have, it's an opinion, and there's no point in having one if you're not going to share it with others, whether they want to hear what you have to say or not

I've another angle to this though, other that waving my willy about over the size of my collection (Which I'm damn sure would be laughed at by many on here anyway), but to continue to improve my writing skills. Feel free to criticise my writing style, complain about me slating bands you like and tell me I don't know what I'm talking about. You'll not be the first or last, but all feedback will be read, taken on board and probably forgotten about in short time.

So on that note, I'll get on with the job in hand.

Views: 621 | Comments: 5

RSS Feed 5 Responses to "So whats it all about, Nik?"
#5 05-26-2014 10:09 PM
Check this out! I'm 18 and I produce music on mah laptop
#4 02-12-2014 02:51 PM
Malibu Says:
#3 09-17-2012 10:43 PM
Yond Blue Says:
G day, Great to join the forum. Would love to know what you guys think of our latest song We are a new alternative rock band in Sydney. J
#2 08-19-2010 09:01 PM
killacam Says:
This is the best techno song ever seriously, i found it by looking for unknown artists this guy is gonna be huge-
#1 04-02-2010 03:50 PM
wegotthejazz Says:

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