Music Banter - Thatchers Bush - Live At The White Rooms Music Banter

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Random music. Blog Tools
Creation Date: 03-25-2010 11:33 PM
SBWNik SBWNik is offline
Music Addict
A music journalist learning as he goes, a frustrated writer, and a man of opinions... Bear with me, I'll be upsetting you too.
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In Music Thatchers Bush - Live At The White Rooms Entry Tools
  #2 New 03-26-2010 10:39 PM
Thatchers Bush - Live At The White Rooms Out of Darlington and York come Thatchers Bush. Somewhere in the musical territory inhabited by Back To The Planet, The Clash and Spanner, they have dubby influences rubbing up against their obvious interest in punk. This isn't to put them up as yet another skapunk copyist group, their style isn't that hackneyed. True, they're not overly original either, and the production is perhaps not as sharp as it could be, but when an 8 track album costs you as little as £3, then perhaps you can forgive the imperfections.
The dub element isn't a huge part of their sound, it's more a case of using it in the same way that a rock band would use an effect pedal - it just enhances their music. The punk side is more evident in their lyrics, honest views on politics, war and life with all its many facets.
If I was to rate this album (which funnily enough I'm about to....) then I'd say it was worth a solid 7/10 if you have a taste for this type of music, but sadly only a 3/10 for commercial potential.
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RSS Feed 2 Responses to "Thatchers Bush - Live At The White Rooms"
#2 07-22-2013 11:33 PM
Joeye Says:
#1 06-11-2013 11:44 AM
Kid Cough Says:
Hey guys, I have recently created a soundcloud. On there is an unedited preview to my album coming out out this June! Check out Kid Cough on soundcloud. If you like it, like me on facebook

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