Music Banter - Part Three: London Music Banter

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TITs Blog Blog Tools
Creation Date: 01-23-2007 09:55 AM
TrampInaTux TrampInaTux is offline
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In Happy Part Three: London Entry Tools
  #3 New 01-28-2007 07:45 AM
Yesterday I went to London with these 3 girls. I change my opinion on Birmingham.

I want to live in London.

The tube stations, the busy atmosphere, the backstories behind practically everything. It just makes you want to sit down and write endlessly.

EVERYBODY should go there. It's a prime example of what the United Kingdom has to offer. Scruffy and rough around the edges, but still bloody fantastic when you think about it.

I also suggest you buy The Good, The Bad And The Queen's album. A fitting tribute to a brilliant city.
Views: 767 | Comments: 1

RSS Feed 1 Responses to "Part Three: London"
#1 01-28-2007 12:08 PM
White Lies Says:
I'm totally feelin' this post, man. When I first visited London it totally surprised me. It was so much better than I expected. I loved the vibe of the place, I loved the people I spoke to, and the mix of different cultures in the city. It's such an interesting place. Plus, there's lots of great music and film events, it's just wonderful. There's always something going on. Now, I wanna go to university in London, because to study there - man! There or New York. Who knows...

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