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mind vs. Mind Blog Tools
Creation Date: 01-23-2007 02:06 PM
everything is beautiful from some perspective, everything is ugly from some perspective. everything is true from some perspective, everything is false from some perspective. go under, rise above.
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In Music Avant-Prog Entry Tools
  #1 New 01-23-2007 04:41 PM
So, there's this genre called Avant-Prog.

I've probably already lost most of your attention, seeing as how that appears to be the most pretentious combination ever, you've got avant-garde, which immediately calls to mind pretentious snobs sitting around listening to a one note drone for hours on end, and on the other hand, prog rock, which causes images of guitar-molesting long-haired guys playing music that only they really want to listen to and writing hour-long epics.

But no! Avant-prog is different. Avant-prog is basically, to me, the modern equivalent of RIO (or Rock in Opposition), which basically was dense, non-radio-friendly music that challenged classic rock idioms. What does this mean? Well, it means that avant-prog has more in common with classical music (think Stravinsky) than it does with your average generic rock'n'roll single. Avant-prog songs are like jazz-rock fusion symphonies, they're elaborate, dense, and complex while simultaneously direct and visceral.

Basically, you won't really know what I'm talking about unless you've heard it. So here are, for your benefit, some starter albums:

Birdsongs of the Mesozoic - Faultline

Birdsongs of the Mesozoic are a very chill avant-prog outfit who started in 1983 as a side-project of Mission of Burma members Roger Miller and Martin Swope. Both had left by 1988 but the band continued regardless, playing a unique blend of rock, punk, classical, and freeform. This is their brilliant 1989 album.

Doctor Nerve - Every Screaming Ear

Doctor Nerve is completely wild. Seriously, this is like listening to an avant-jazz album on speed with doses of rock randomly scattered about for good measure. Some of these songs are "Nervewares," which means the score were actually generated by a computer program. And they're actually good. Definetely worth checking out.

Thinking Plague - A History of Madness

Another great album, sounds like a more modern version of Henry Cow. If you liked the previous two chances are you'll like this one as well.
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