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Old 02-12-2011, 08:07 AM   #41 (permalink)
Justifiable Idiocracy
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Originally Posted by pourmeanother View Post
2008 Beijing Men's 4x100 Relay
Alain Bernard: "The Americans? We're going to smash them."

2007 Fiest Bowl - Oklahoma vs. Boise State
4th and 18: Hook and Ladder
4th and 2 in OT: HB Pass
2pt Conversion FTW: Statue of Liberty

Super Bowl XLII - New England vs. New York Giants
"The Helmet Catch"

Jason McElwain "J Mac" - Hoop Dream

I remember watching that Boise State game which was amazing to see. I could not beleive the ambition those guys had to win that game and the passion to overcome the adversity. Being the small school under dogs and fighting their way to the top was a sight to see for sure. Goes down in the history books as one of the top 10 college games of all time imo. Terrific choice to place in this thread.

As for the Giants-Patriots game I couldnt have been more disgusted. First of all im not an eli fan at all and the Giants are division rivals. Second of all I had money on the Pats to win the game and lost. Im not sure if it was my deep seeded dislike for the giants and eli persuaing my football intellect. Or if im just a fan of Brady and Bellichek and wanted to see the Dolphins 14 and 0 super bowl record shattered. Or just the combo of both that drove me to pick the Pats over the Giants. Either way they came out victorious and won the game. So its water under the bridge now.
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