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Old 06-04-2004, 10:24 PM   #11 (permalink)
Music Addict
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 50

Originally Posted by Eltiraaz
Well I definatley think some actual instrumentation would greatly diversify things. Most euro groups these days just sit in front a computer, come up with a 4beat drum loop, then add some ambient effects and the like, throw in the (always female) vocals and call it a show, then depend on some underground DJ to remix it until its club worthy. I think thats horrible.

The state of electronica right now is that no one cares. Everyone just wants a really pumping song that can provide them their club needs and thats it. As long as you can dance to it its good.

If I had the resources to do such a thing I would just experiment like crazy with sounds and different instruments and come up with some original rhythms with instruments, not drum machines but drums.

I have seen alot of piano incorporated in trance songs, it adds a nice feel to the music for sure.

I just think that people should start really caring and thinking about how we can expand electronica and improve upon it instead of making the exact same techno cut over and over again. with different vocals dubbed over it.
Definitly true! Maybe adding some male voices could help, but it would have to be added in a different context. I heard from this hot techno/metal head check that there is Techno Metal, that seemed really interesting to me. I think she said it was just techno with really heavy sounds and bass. Sounds like to me, could be converted into dark stuff if it isnt already. Actual sounds of instruments could help the process along, I am not sure. I just think there should be more techno for pissed off kids maybe. Like metal I like because of that factor and the scales and everything. Maybe an inclination of techno into some instrument playing some cool scales or playing instrument solos. Instrument solos I think already exist in basic form for techno, like piano. I just think adding another instrument could really make it interesting.
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