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Old 02-14-2011, 06:10 PM   #819 (permalink)
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I was about to post that I was surprised that this thread is still active, but you know what? I'm really not. People debate about the existence of God all the time. ALL THE TIME. And it never goes anywhere. Both the atheists and the theists cling to their guns and rarely ever budge. This debate will go on forever even if there's proof that God doesn't exist. I think we should all take a look at the teachings of Laotse and learn from them. It doesn't matter if God exists or not - it's redundant and pointless. If God DOES exist then he won't care if you believe in him or not because if he did then he would be violating the "sin" of pride (which is mentioned in Biblical text as being one of the biggies). IF God exists then all he cares about is you leading a joyful life and work on improving your morality. It has already been proven that man innately wants to believe in a higher power to fulfill the need of having some sort of "fatherly figure" to look after him or her. It has already been proven that there is no need for a God to create the universe. But studies have also shown that the belief in a religion is healthy for you both physically and mentally (I won't get into this though, if you don't believe me look up studies done by the A.P.A.).Anyways, stop bitching about this and move on with your lives.

Sorry if this sounds a bit rude, but come on now. Let's stop this nonsense. Maccabe, I am sorry for my patronizing comment earlier, I had no right to criticize your religious beliefs. But if you're going to start an argument with these guys, then I suggest you make a good one and not quote things you aren't too keen on.
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