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Old 03-07-2011, 08:37 PM   #58 (permalink)
MB quadrant's JM Vincent
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Originally Posted by RVCA View Post
You're a scientist. You should know that if "something is happening" we should be able to test it in some manner and acquire some kind of evidence for whatever "it" is. I mean, c'mon, we live in an age where most people in advanced societies carry in their pocket a device that captures both picture and video, but unshockingly, have yet to see any sort of conclusive evidence for ANYTHING supernatural. I'm sorry but anecdotal scare stories simply do not cut it.
Do you have a way to test dark matter? Science knows it's there, but we have no way to test it. You are assuming that because we don't currently have a way to test this, we never will. That's not true at all.

I think people are quick to dismiss the fact that we only have 5 senses. There are animals with other senses that we don't have. We are left with only the senses that are important for survival. We experience such a small percentage of reality that it becomes poor science to exclude the possibility of the mind impacting the world in a detectable way. I think that's fairly scientific reasoning. That's my hypothesis. We may not currently have the tools to test it, but who is to say we won't eventually?

Now this is off topic, but I have to say it. People have this idea that scientists have to restrict themselves to nothing but currently accepted ideas. None of the greatest discoveries have been made that way. Thinking small is fine for making inches of progress each year, but it takes some truly outrageous ideas to make the big finds. I only mention this because it's really sad to see future scientists restrict themselves. Think creatively and use science as a guide. I'm not saying all scientists should believe in ghosts, but I am saying all scientists should admit the possibility they exist until it is proven that they don't.
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