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Old 03-07-2011, 09:52 PM   #63 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by duga View Post
Yeah, I thought I remembered mentioning it sometime before. I think you are being unfair now. The whole point of what I was saying is that there actually ARE observable phenomena (seen by more than one person) and at some point when we have a better understanding of what makes up those phenomena, we CAN test it. I'm not just pulling something out of my ass and saying try to prove it doesn't exist. There is an actual basis for my claims.

Anyway, it all boils down to what Freebase said. I just think the nonbelievers can cut the believers some slack.
But you are relying on anecdotal evidence. I have no independent access to any of these events or phenomena, and just because they don't have an explanation doesn't mean that they are ghosts.

I have a fundamental issue with your stating that these phenomena ARE observable, only to, in the very same sentence, state that they actually aren't. Like I said earlier, there are an infinite number of things that might exist and might be observable at some point in the future. Or not. You can believe whatever you want, but you shouldn't expect anyone else to believe in the same things you do if you only provide anecdotes to support your beliefs; and you certainly shouldn't go around attacking the skeptics for being reasonably and logically skeptical.
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