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Old 06-07-2004, 02:33 PM   #79 (permalink)
Muck Fusic
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Hmmm...What has Kerry done that has gotten you so confident in him? I changed my post (that's why I edited it...durr) because I went to the site because I am willing to do research based on sites/info you guys put up. That countdown is set on a set total
Congress made and is set to reach that total on a certain date. But one thing I was wondering, which was not in their information, is that is that money additional to our normal military spendings on bombs, ship repairs, etc. Because I do believe it is. And Jibber, living in the United States, whether you are financially able or not, if you have the drive to get an education, you CAN get an education. Opportunities are available, night school, etc. Student loan systems.

but so many people drop out becasue they're needed at home, or they can't live at home, so they're forced to leave, live on the streets, shelters, wherever they can
When people are needed at home, they don't have the time to get an education. How is that the government's problem? Maybe they should just go and pay the parents who a)probably didn't try to get an education when they were younger or b) are too lazy to get a job.

How do you think those shelters are paid for? Miracles? No, the government strikes again. People take so many things for granted, this government provides everything. Yet they complain.

All in all...I'm tired of hearing people complain about our president who was elected by our people to run office. If you have a problem, go out and vote, be the voice of america. It's a beautiful thing. People want money spent on research, money spent on this, and money spent on that. I'd love to see the taxes you people pay. Probably jack****. I don't pay much, but then again, I don't complain about how tax dollars get spent. Until Bill Gates starts demanding he wants research done on African Monkeys for AIDS, I am fine with how the money is being spent. And if you are not, shut the **** up, go out to the polls, and do something about it when November rolls around.
a man, a plan, a canal, panama
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