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Old 03-20-2011, 06:38 PM   #11 (permalink)
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Join Date: Oct 2010
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The problem is that you have these ideas that these other girls and peers are idiots. You don't know them, you're just making this assumption off of the clothes they wear, their interests, etc. Of course there are morons everywhere but I feel like you might be kinda of looking for an excuse to NOT get along with these people. Know what I'm sayin? Maybe instead of looking for reasons to be friends you are looking for reasons to not be friends.

3 of my best friends I met in college and we couldn't be much more different. They like cars and computers, I like sports. Drinking and drugs were a big factor in us being friends, and I'm not suggesting you should become an alcoholic or a pothead but just let loose a little bit. TheCunningStunt would say in shoutbox about how he hated parties because people there would be having stupid conversations and stuff. I guess I'm just trying to say dont take life that seriously. Who cares if people aren't similar, just have fun regardless, laugh as much as possible. Don't be uptight about doing stupid stuff yourself. The only people judging you are the type of people who stand in the corner at parties and make fun of the other people who are actually having fun.

As for meeting people, I'd suggest joining intramural sports if your college has them.
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