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Old 03-22-2011, 01:29 PM   #73 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by RezZ View Post
I dont mean to be a downer but I really think this is a bad idea, especially if its trying to take the place of this forum. While this forum may not have all the special features and whatnot who cares, it functions VERY WELL as forum, which is essentially what music-banter is.

Now if this site or whatever planning to be made is there to supplement this site, (ie. user created music, uploads, and other special things) then that sounds great. But if you take away years of gaining popularity through a top rated google searched music forum then we are back to having nothing. As GB said watch the amount of members slowly decline.

I really dont know what people are complaining about on this forum with a lack of admin support. They keep the forum running what else do we need that we cant do ourselves. If you think this place is boring because of a lack of features well maybe its just you me and the other people who are making boring topics.

Now if I m missing something or have my facts wrong please tell me but I don't get the big hubbub. Why not just create a site that supplements this forum (that does nothing this forum does) so that people who actively post can be more involved.
Ok this is something I'm wondering too. I know admin doesn't care about individual members. It's how my former large forum was, and I am guessing that it's how most big forums are. We are just page hits, that's it. But are there a lot of things mods have wanted done that haven't got done? I remember my last forum it literally took years sometimes to get things done and the admin was always making unnecessary changes and effectively killed the group of 50ish regulars over time. I guess I don't see really what we want done that hasn't been done. I don't really see any problems but maybe mods could give some insight as to what areas there is lack of administration
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