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Old 03-23-2011, 04:47 PM   #640 (permalink)
Sansa Stark
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Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: The Eyrie, Vale of Arryn, Westeros
Posts: 3,234

Thoughts on some noobs and non noobs

Canwll- How the ****/why the **** do you like such dark and creepy **** yet come off so damn wholesome? idgi, I'm not saying its a bad thing though. Definitely a genuinely nice dude on here and I've never seen him be anything but respectful toward other people.

The Virgin - I don't even know with you dude.

Jack Pat - I don't really like or dislike you, but I'll tell you that you irritate me with insisting so hard that you're a Buddhist and all this, yet you always kind of come off as extremely judgmental.

Il Duce - What a weird kind of guy. I think if I were born a dude in Malaysia (if that's where you were born, I don't remember), I think I'd have been Il Duce, although he doesn't seem to be as angry as I am. Wickedly shameless about his weirdness and I think that's awesome, even has the balls to put his unconventional fetishes out there. Also has the most ridic stories ever.

Rezz - Rezz is like the always stoned dude who likes metal and grew a beard at 9 that only exists fictionally. Funny guy though

that's all I can think of for right now, more later
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