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Old 03-25-2011, 02:28 PM   #172 (permalink)
Anxiety Hangover
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Originally Posted by tore View Post
I figure that if someone breaks into my home and steals my TV, I'd rather have my TV stolen than be a person who fires a gun at someone else. A TV ain't worth shooting someone and possibly becoming a murderer. I reckon I'd rather be beat up than shoot and risk killing someone too.

I think that when everyone have access to guns, then everyone have more reason to fear everyone else. It promotes a more violent society.
I believe the same to an extent.
Most people who cite gun rights are fearful idiots IMO. I have no issue owning a gun and have a few in my house because of my step father being a cop, but I wouldn't shoot someone over a tv and unless it was a life threatening situation I would not shoot someone.

Originally Posted by The Virgin View Post
i'm not trolling. it's a personal opinion of mine regarding discipline and i can't believe that someone gave me an infraction for what i believe in. well, that's fine, sometimes people tend to disagree with your opinion by means of power tripping.

anyways, let me say my point again, guns are created to implement discipline. i did not say killing or death. people tend to shove in the "peace talk" process in terms of achieving an organized society, but really, if you happen to know something about military, sometimes, if all else fail, scaring them is the best option. and guns are pretty much the scariest thing on earth right now. why do they allow police officers to carry one? simple. cause it denotes discipline. they're disciplinarians and guns are essential tool to execute that discipline.

if you can't accept my opinion, that ain't my problem anymore.
Your opinions are pretty immature and loaded with stupidity hence me saying you are EITHER trolling or just extremely stupid.

Also I agree with dj you would fit well in Texas because of your views.

Save the environment, shoot yourself in the head.
And when there is no hope I'll smoke some crack I'll shoot some dope.
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