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Old 03-30-2011, 04:22 PM   #211 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by VEGANGELICA View Post
I think many people (but not all) who identify as Unitarian Universalist *do* think a lot about existence and meaning or lack thereof in it, as well as theological questions.

Here's a joke about Unitarian Universalists that demonstrates what I mean:

I think that would make a lot of UU people laugh because they'd relate!

I don't view being an atheist and a Unitarian Universalist as contradictory...since one can believe in *any* religion and also be a Unitarian Universalist. For example, there are Jewish people who are also Unitarian Universalist (Jewish Voices in Unitarian-Universalism, the project, the book, the on-line community).

The reason this is possible is that UU makes no statements about gods, neither whether or not they exist, nor what their nature might be. Spiritual beliefs are left up to individual members to decide (or not decide) for themselves, and are not proscribed, such as views about gods and whether or not there is any ultimate purpose in existence or for the self. UU often looks at and appreciates aspects of religious teachings from a variety of religious traditions, but does not subscribe to them.

I'm not disputing that someone could be Jewish and UU, or Muslim and UU or whatever so forth, and I agree one could probably be Sufi and UU.

I don't however believe someone could truthfully be atheist and UU.

Because what many atheists in this thread have agreed on, is that atheist is the word for the religious world's opinion of you. Well surely if you start tackling ideas which are common to you and them, whilst following UU, they would call you a Unitarian Universalist.

atheism is irrelevant. Ultimatly either you're for theism or against.

That's a good joke even I can relate to that lol.

I can't speak for all atheists, but I don't worship any person or idea, Crukster, although I admire and appreciate many. I love the concept of democracy, for example, but I also don't want the majority to dominate the minority by treading on privileges I feel should be rights.
I don't either, not person anyway. And not the idea, only the Truth upon which it's based. I'm talking about the Universal energy of all existence. I know those terms are crude and generic. I'm hardly an expert on the idea, and tbh it's mostly self-formed. What I am getting at is there is a Universal commonality to all existence, or else we wouldnt be able to converse like this, we wouldnt even see each other, perceive, let alone understand. It'd be nothing, or at least, sole; alone.

Maybe that is our ultimate fate. Who knows.

In there here and now though, we are all here, we are all now. What I believe is God is the collective energy, will and power of us all. And capability; promise.

God is the eternal Sum of an evergrowing equation.

I definitly believe in autonamy as well. But I believe life is not about having a freefall toward nothing, shedding as many ties as possible. I believe, life is about thinking ideas and purposes that you choose to commit yourself fully, to pledge to, to live for.

Understanding through Autonomy.

Not the opposite.

Your statement about not liking when atheists interfere with the rest of the world probably comes from the same root feeling that makes people say they don't like it when religions interfere with the rest of the world. So, I think you share a feeling in common with many people, such as Janszoon, who discuss the experience atheists sometimes have in a predominantly religious society.

I think most people want to be able to practice their religion or lack thereof in peace. When a person doesn't let you do that, feeling angry in response is only natural. I know *I* want autonomy. So, I feel it is wrong when a secular regime (such as China's) forbids the practice of certain religions. And I feel it is wrong when a religious regime forbids the practice of certain religions and non-religions.

This brings us back to the issue you mentioned earlier: sometimes the way people observe their particular belief systems involves interfering in the lives of other people who don't want interference, such as people who want to marry the adult whom they love, or teachers who want to teach science in science classrooms rather than religious beliefs attempting to mascarade as science, or people who don't want to die at the hands of terrorists.

When one person's observance of her beliefs (whether they are religious or not) interfere with another person's autonomy, then we have conflict.

I'd be troubled, too, by anyone squelching a discussion of evolution, since I feel that learning about how life procreates and has changed over time is a wonderful way to understand and appreciate life more.
To clarify I don't have a problem when people intefere in the World in general, I have a problem with atheists intefering.

For example, if the World was completely atheist, and I didn't like how it was being run, I wouldn't call myself


thats not a typo the double a is intentional. I would say

"I don't like your World. I'm gonna burn it up and build my own one."

If that's what people think of this World, they should be honest. I dunno if at's at the point of burning up, but I definitly do not really like the World as it is today.

This is off topic again anyway, I apologise.

Last edited by crukster; 03-30-2011 at 05:33 PM.
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