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Thread: Nu Metal
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Old 04-01-2011, 05:27 PM   #53 (permalink)
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Plymouth
Posts: 23

I don't think its right to lump so many different groups under the genre nu metal. SOAD, Rage, Korn, Linkin Park, Slipknot all make distinctly different styles of music.
I never liked Linkin Park but I still love System and occasionally crack out some of the others. Slipknot are great when Im feeling really angry. Skin ticket is still one of the best songs Ive ever heard. Korn's 'my give to you' is incredible and Rage's 'settle for nothing' is a classic, in my mind. Ive neverconsidered them to be of the same genre.

Seriously if you put these groups in the same category you can't possibly be listening to the music. Listen to Darts off SOADs first album. A lot of it sounds almost punky but the ending...its not of any genre Ive ever heard. Sugar? Sounds almost Jazzy...Many of slipknots tracks sound so industrial. RATM were so innovative with their guitars. They used no effect pedals on their first album! And the rapping style was unique with lyrics of deep and clever political and social relevance. Korn's sound is so rough and unrefined. The slap bass does sound a bit thin and tuneless and the 'melodies' are simple because they are chromatic and mostly low end. It makes the music sound dismal and sometimes I feel the same way.
I don't care about making genre's too specific. The only point of a genre is to ease communication, so people can talk and enquire about bands of a similar style. But if you make genre's too broad there's no point of them at all. The only things that each of the bands mentioned on this thread have in common is that they play guitars and drums and bass. I don't care what anybody decides to call the genre of each group but dont label them all as the same.
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