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Old 04-04-2011, 03:25 PM   #18 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by cardboard adolescent View Post
You're responding to hate with hate, how are you any better than they are? Why is your hate justified and theirs isn't? Because they hated first?
Because they do nothing but intentionally cause pain to grieving families and ruin what should be a moment of personal mourning for someone's family and friends. And burying your kid shouldn't have to come along with a circus atmosphere with retards holding insulting signs. The world would be a better place without them and I salute anyone brave enough and awesome enough to end the lives of the Westboro Baptist Church members. They would be my hero for the rest of my life. Ideally it'd be nice to just completely ignore them, but I'm imagining my brother or my parents or someone close to me burying buried and these fuckheads protesting and it's hard for me to imagine staying calm and serene.

My hate is justified because I have a legitimate reason to hate them. They protest funerals of people they have never met and knowingly cause pain to the deceased's family. Their hate isn't justified by anything other than their own warped sense of religion. They have no justification to what they do. And yes, they hated first. There were no problems until they came along and acted like a bunch of assholes. I am better than they are because I wouldn't go around doing the stuff that they do. They've protested hundreds of funerals of people they have never known, and for the good of the entire world I would gladly take them down with me. Even if murder is worse than holding signs, I don't care. I'd still do it because things like funerals shouldn't be made into a circus by people who aren't even welcome by the families and i hate every member of the WBC.

That might not have answered your question well enough for your liking, but basically I don't care much about whos "better" or whatever. All I know is that these people are living scum and I hope they all get murdered.
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