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Old 04-05-2011, 07:06 AM   #52 (permalink)
Melancholia Eternally
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I know exactly why you would be pissed off with them, and I would be the same way. I never claimed that this shouldn't anger you. However what I said wasn't sarcastic. They arent all grown adults who have had made a decision to believe what they believe. When they get their claws into their impressionable children and teach them their beliefs, they just mould more people like this.

Your county's laws protect these people and allow them to do what they do. It may be disgusting for them to picket and protest military funerals, or any funerals for that matter, but they are within their rights to do it and until that changes, it will continue to happen.

As much as I am disgusted by their beliefs and their practices, and the measures they take to try and enforce their beliefs on others (ie demonstrating at funerals) I simply don't think it is exactly the best solution to just exterminate them. You can call that a lack of "knowledge" if you want, but it's not like I actually believe these people kill children. I felt that was pretty obvious. But you would be killing theirs if this is actually how you propose to deal with beliefs different from your own, even if theirs are incredibly offensive.

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