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Old 04-08-2011, 07:35 PM   #27 (permalink)
Killed Laura Palmer
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When I'm just looking for a hookup or something, I actually have some game. It amazes me that I really don't even have to try that hard. If it's someone I'm actually into, it gets ridiculous. I don't know what happens to me, but I become the most awkward individual on the planet.

One of the weirder things I've done...I found out from a friend of mine the kind of music a girl I was interested in was into. With that knowledge, I made a mix CD with music I was into which complemented artists she liked, in addition to putting artists she liked on the CD. I then was hanging out with a mutual friend of me and the girl I was into, and gave her friend the CD. (I said something along the lines of, "Dude, I made a CD for you. I've been making everyone CDs lately, and I almost forgot..." and she popped it in, and seemed to dig it...) I knew all along that she was going to picking the girl I was into up later on in the evening from rehearsal. And as such, the girl was going to be in the car, and my friend would definitely be listening to the CD I just "burnt her".

So, I played the waiting game. Awesomely enough, the next day, the girl I'm into came up to me and said, "I didn't know you're into Imogen Heap!" and I was like, "Yeah, I love Imogen Heap!" (I'd put "Hide and Seek" on the CD because I knew she loved that song.) She then asked me my favorite album. I had no idea. Finally, I remembered that one of the albums was Speak For Yourself, but I think she was already onto me and knew that I was full of shit.

I still to this day have no idea why I thought that was a good idea, nor do I know why I claimed to have any knowledge of this girl's favorite artist when I knew maybe two songs by Imogen Heap. How I thought I'd be able to pull that one off is beyond me.

It's a hand-me-down, the thoughts are broken
Perhaps they're better left unsung
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