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Old 04-14-2011, 11:58 PM   #917 (permalink)
Justifiable Idiocracy
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Originally Posted by Dirty View Post
Well I can understand Kobe being closest to MJ because I think Kobe does have a killer instinct type of mentality that LeBron lacks. Even though I think sometimes Kobe goes into fake-tough guy mode or something. Thank you for that video though because I just love hearing Michael Jordan speak lol. Does anyone else feel this way? I've never heard a Jordan interview and thought "man this guy is bullshitting." Sorry, I just love MJ. Him and Ken Griffey jr. are my absolute sports heroes, they are gods to me lol.

But ok, enough with the MJ comparisons talk... Ok, to me the reason we will never see another LeBron is because he was on the Sports Illustrated cover as a high schooler and hyped to be an all-time great before he even set foot on the NBA court. Like I can't think of a single athlete who has ever had close to as much hype as Lebron at that age... It's a ridiculous amount of pressure and expectations, and he somehow surpassed all of them. It's just insane lol. To be 18 and have the pressure on you to save a franchise and be one of the best players in the game, and he turns a last place team into a first place team within a couple of seasons and wins back to back MVPs. And unlike most people, I do think LeBron is a pretty humble and gracious guy. I do wish he had a killer instinct and played more pissed off, and I wish he would work on the stuff eric talked about. Like his shooting, post offense and 1 on 1 defense. But he is still the best player in the league, I mean nobody is absolutely perfect.

Ok I guess I just really appreciate greatness and try to put it into context while it's happening. Like I realize LeBron is someone my grandkids will marvel over. Same with guys like Kobe and Shaq. Same in other sports with Pujols. And for lebron I just don't feel like he is appreciated for how awesome he is. I mean, cmon the lockouts and stuff in sports should give fans a wake up call that sports are a business and there doesn't have to be loyalty in sports, there hardly is. I just don't get the big deal as to why it's like the worst thing ever that LBJ ditched shitty Cleveland for Miami. Yeah of course Jordan and Bird and those guys didn't want to leave, their franchises put great teammates all around them. Bird played on a team of hall of famers and Jordan was playing with the best rebounder in the league, 2 of the best defenders in the league, and perfect role guys. The only thing I can knock LeBron on so far was the playoffs last year, when he definitely checked out. He just seemed disinterested or something, it was weird to see.

Also, eric you are completely right about Vince Carter. In that case, heart was the difference between good and great.

Ok well at least we can agree to disagree man. You stand by your guy and thats definatley respectable. Like I said I know Lebron has the talent and the ability to be great. I dont wish any ill on the dude just doesnt command respect from me is all. Im sure that he sets up at night and worries about that as All of these guys are phenomenol athletes and make the game exciting to watch. In a perfect world I guess we would all love every player and every team.
Originally Posted by Skaligojurah View Post
Fuck you, bloozin! Your stupid thread too!
<DoctorSoft>: You know life is good when you take Viagra to jack off lol
Originally Posted by Il Duce View Post
- Hendrix didn't even play the blues that well -

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