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Thread: 6/2*(1+2)=?
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Old 05-01-2011, 01:19 PM   #111 (permalink)
midnight rain
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Originally Posted by Lisnaholic View Post
and if I had wanted the answer to be 1, I would have written : 6/2(1+3) = 6/(2 x 3) = 1"
That's incorrect. The answer to that is still 9. The way you wrote it hides the multiplication sign making it appear as if you'd multiply the denominator by (1+3). But in actuality, you still multiply the 6 by (1+3)

It looks easier if you actually keep the multiplication sign in: 6/2*(1+2) and 6/2(1+2) are the same thing. And the answer to both is 9.
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