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Old 05-04-2011, 02:07 AM   #514 (permalink)
Music Addict
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Join Date: Dec 2009
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Time for Italian now. Ti amo ("I love You") is a well-known song by Umberto Tozzi.

(translation source here)

♫ "Ti amo ................................ I love you
un soldo ................................ a single
ti amo ................................ "I love you"
in aria ................................ in air
ti amo. ................................ I love you.
Se viene testa ................................ If it goes to your head
vuol dire che basta, ................................ it means that it's over (enough)
lasciamoci. ................................ let's leave each other.

(Ti amo) ................................ (I love you)
io sono ................................ I am
(ti amo) ................................ (I love you)
in fondo un uomo ................................ deep down a man
che non ha freddo nel cuore. ................................ who is not cold in his heart .

Nel letto comando io. ................................ In bed I command (I call the shots)
ma tremo davanti al tuo seno. ................................ but I tremble before your bosom.
Ti odio e ti amo. ................................ I hate you and I love you

E una farfalla che muore sbattendo le ali ................................ The love that is made in bed
l'amore che a letto si fa. ................................ is a butterfly that dies beating its wings together.
Rendimi I'altra metà, ................................ Render the other half for me (be my other wing),
oggi ritorno da lei ................................ today i return to her
primo Maggio ................................ the first day of May,
su coraggio!..................get up courage!

lo ti amo e chiedo perdono. ................................ I love you and I ask forgiveness.
Ricordi chi sono. ................................ Remember who I am.
Apri la porta a un guerriero di carta igienica. ................................ Open the door to a soldier made of tissue paper.

E dammi il tuo vino leggero ................................ And give me your light bodied wine (summer wine)
che hai fatto quando non c'ero ................................ that you made when I was not there (when I was away),
e le lenzuola di lino. ................................ and the sheets of linen.
Dammi il sonno di un bambino. ................................ Give me the sleep of a child (let me sleep like a child)
che "ta" sogna cavalli e si gira ................................ who dreams of horses and spins around (a carousel)
e un po' di lavoro. ................................ and (give me) some work.
Fammi abbracciare una donna che stira cantando ................................ Let me hug a woman who sings as she irons
e poi fatti un po' prendere in giro ................................ and then let yourself be teased a little (let me tease you a little)
prima di fare I'amore ................................ before we make love.
Vesti la rabbia di pace ................................ Dress your anger with peace
e sottane sulla luce. ................................ and the light with your petticoats (dress the lamp with your petticoats).

lo ti amo e chiedo perdono. ................................ I love you and I ask forgiveness.
Ricordi chi sono. ................................ Remember who I am.
Ti amo ................................ I love you
ti amo ................................ I love you
ti amo ................................ I love you
ti amo ................................ I love you
ti amo. ................................ I love you

E dammi il tuo vino leggero ................................ And give me your light bodied wine (summer wine)
che hai fatto quando non c'ero ................................ that you made when I was not there (when I was away),
e le lenzuola di lino. ................................ and the sheets of linen.
Dammi il sonno di un bambino. ................................ Give me the sleep of a child (let me sleep like a child)
che "ta" sogna cavalli e si gira ................................ who dreams of horses and spins around (a carousel)
e un po' di lavoro. ................................ and (give me) some work.
Fammi abbracciare una donna che stira cantando ................................ Let me hug a woman who sings as she irons
e poi fatti un po' prendere in giro ................................ and then let yourself be teased a little (let me tease you a little)
prima di fare I'amore ................................ before we make love.
Vesti la rabbia di pace ................................ Dress your anger with peace
e sottane sulla luce. ................................ and the light with your petticoats (dress the lamp with your petticoats)

Ti amo, ti amo, ti amo, ti amo, ti amo, ti amo. ................................ I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you I love you, I love you
ti amo ................................ I love you
ti amo ................................ I love you
ti amo ................................ I love you
ti amo. ................................ I love you
Ti amo, ti amo, ti amo, ti amo, ti amo, ti amo. ................................ I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you
ti amo ................................ I love you
ti amo ................................ I love you
ti amo ................................ I love you
ti amo. ................................ I love you
" ♫

"Lullabies for adults / crossed by the years / carry the flower of disappointment / tattooed in their gloomy melodies."
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