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Old 05-04-2011, 07:42 AM   #60 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Merkaba View Post
I'm pretty much perfect it's just I like to nail down the science before the time comes to put it into practise.
Right. Well I'm not sure. People who go for the big look (that I know) have never crossed over. And I'd imagine its a huge psychological change. When you make your self big and bulky it becomes innately harder to excel at things like pull ups or swimming and running.

Ultimately, your body is an incredibly adaptive machine. To do more work, muscles tear and grow to be able to do more work. When your goal is to get from A to B in X amount of time, or to get from A to B and still complete job X, your muscles become more striated. This isn't incidental.

Bigger muscles weigh a lot. And you want to keep in mind that if you're trying to carry that weight over a considerable distance, your joints, bones, and tendons are going to get brutalized. When that issue normally comes up I suggest people swim. Nothing removes stress on the cogs and gears like swimming. But if you've made yourself bulky, you're going to sink. The other down side is that unlike muscles, bones don't heal as easily or as well. I can stop using my left pec. Its a bitch not to stand for 4-6 weeks.

Theres a premium on being huge. Men think it makes them look better and be of a higher value. Men certainly believe woman think that. I can't speak to that but sizeable bulk is used for primarily 1 thing - force. Unless you're a professional mover or a body builder, your options are limited beyond appearance.

Every gym rat in the country has their own theory on whats best. But for over all health, its hard to beat regular exercise, cardio, and a healthy diet. Like most things, Balance always wins out. It might be nice to be huge in your 20's, but over a lifetime, for health in general endurance has no equal. We're all just cheating death anyway, and you don't get the opportunity to fistfight death. Its best to run away. The faster, the better.
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