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Thread: Going dutch ;)
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Old 05-07-2011, 03:18 AM   #66 (permalink)
Killed Laura Palmer
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s_k, from what I've seen of you on the forums and such, you really do appear to be a good guy. A little overly-concerned with how others see you, but a really good guy, and it would be a shame to see you leave the forums over this. You have been a valuable contributer, in particular in threads having to do with audio and technology, and that's definitely worthwhile on a forum such as this one.

This is, however, the internet, and judgments here are going to be more unfounded than many you'll encounter out in the "real world", because of our significantly more limited knowledge of the people we interact with here on a regular basis. People here aren't able to see anything you put forward, aside from the text you type in and occasional photos and youtube videos. Even if your relatively open about yourself, that's not going to translate even a fraction as much as it would out in the world, because there's a bit more detachment.

Everyone here has been brought together by a passion for music, and most of the people here seem to be sublime individuals. But, again, this is just the internet.

When you speak of your situation, people here have only what you say on the forum to interpret. They don't have you or any particular knowledge of you as a person, aside from what you've put down on the forum. Naturally, they're going to attach this to their own personal experiences in their real lives to fill in the blanks. It's not so much a personal attack on you as a person as it is their judgment based on prior experiences.

For example: I know that in America, jobs are scarce and everyone seems to be struggling to find one. In jobs such as fast food here, also, we have many people with mental disorders or developmental disorders who are able to hold jobs. My friend's girlfriend actually has Asperger's, and she has held a job at a movie theatre for two years, in addition to going to school. I know also people with severe Bipolar disorder and even schizophrenia who have been able to hold jobs. They're not necessarily happy, but here, that's pretty much just the understanding that it's just something which needs to be done. I don't have Asperger's or Autism or anything, and I'm still unhappy doing jobs which aren't in the arts - but I do them anyway. Being happy and feeling at home in a job isn't at all normal, at least not here.

With that said: you don't live in America, so I'd imagine it's probably quite different elsewhere. When you say that, I believe you, but you have to understand that from an American perspective and perhaps other countries as well, what you're saying doesn't make as much sense in our particular job market. We don't know you personally, and none of us live in the Netherlands, so we'd have no real, concrete way of really knowing your precise situation.

Also, what people say honestly doesn't matter that much. The only real issue I've seen lately is that you've felt the need to defend yourself extensively instead of just ignoring it. Again, you explained that you can't just ignore it, and I really do get that.

But yes: you're a good guy, s_k, and a quality poster. No one on here dislikes you, from what I've seen. I think there's just been differences in understanding opinions and the way things are for you. Chin up.

It's a hand-me-down, the thoughts are broken
Perhaps they're better left unsung
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