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Old 05-10-2011, 01:41 PM   #5585 (permalink)
hip hop bunny hop
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I don't know if they can annoy people though. First of all, no two metalheads agree on a bands classification. And secondly, 9 out of 10 subgenres are created on the spot by people saying things the band is wearing.

i.e. "They strike me as Nordic Viking Beard metal." Well they can't really be Nordic, since the bassist is Portuguese. "Well then their Pillage & Rape Metal with some Balsamic overtones."

I'll give it to you if we can call it "Beard & Scalp Metal with some Iberian undertones"

Classifying bands on the basis of their fashion style, fonts used, and lyrical content is not a strictly metal trend. And while there is no shortage of idiots in metal promoting this; this has far more to do with suburban Punk idiots latching on to metal and doing the same **** that makes contemporary punk so godawfully unbearable.

"Is this hardcore?"
"No, it's powerviolence."
"No, it's veganarchist crust!"
"No dude, they're d-beat!"


And what do these idiots do when they latch onto metal? "Trollmetal!", "Pagan blackmetal!", "eco-feminist blackmetal!", "funeral drone metal!", etc, etc, etc. ****ing hippie punk scum, they ruin everything they touch.
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