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Old 05-10-2011, 08:14 PM   #16 (permalink)
Killed Laura Palmer
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Oh man, childhood was such a wonderful time.

I remember being six years old, and asking to play baseball. My mom collected baseball cards, and had like, 15 entire shoe boxes full when I was a kid. I remember going to a yardsale and buying a random box full of baseball cards for myself, and getting a John Olerud rookie card - I loved him because I thought it was cool that he wore a baseball helmet when he played in the field.

I remember that everyone on my baseball team was too scared to play catcher because they were afraid of the pitching machine, and I was the only girl on the team and wanted to prove that I was tougher than the boys, so I volunteered to play catcher - and I continued playing catcher until my senior year of high school (in softball).

I also remember pogs - everyone was crazy about those when I was a kid. Whenever we went to the flea market, I'd try to convince my mom to buy at least one slammer.

Also, Goosebumps books! We used to trade those at school all the time. I ended up reading every single book in the series, along with at least two dozen other kids at my school. I remember getting this one hardcover Goosebumps book with the first three books in one and when you opened it, there was a screaming sound effect. I loved that book.

I also remember doing all of the school plays, and being a complete showoff all through elementary school. I improvised an entire epic scene in the Thanksgiving play as a pilgrim in third grade.

I also have really fond memories of living on the Fort Bragg military base from 5th grade to 8th grade. I used to walk down the street in my housing area to my friends' houses, and we'd go out back to play basketball, skateboard, ride our bikes, and trade Pokemon cards / play Pokemon - I had a holographic first edition Charizard, two first edition Pikachus, a jungle Pikachu, and a few more first editions, so I was like a superstar amongst the neighborhood kids.

I also started a pop group with my neighbors. That was super fun - we wrote our own songs, and didn't completely suck, considering we were all between the ages of 9 and 13; I was 11 at the time. We wanted to be like The Spice Girls and TLC, but have lyrics like Jewel. It was definitely interesting.

God, childhood was fun!

It's a hand-me-down, the thoughts are broken
Perhaps they're better left unsung
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