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Old 05-14-2011, 07:42 AM   #5620 (permalink)
Buzz Killjoy
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people who use the "they insipred _____" make me laugh. Lame reason for why you hate a band, if this were the case we might as well all hate the Beatles for inspiring them. The trickle down influences I say.. I judge each one of the bands i like or dislike on an individual basis.

Creed, I just hate Scott. I think the rest of the band was pretty good. They are ruined by bad vocals and bad lyrics. The band is actually good though, I think Mark is a good guitarist. I just can not stand Scott Stapp. "My Own Prison" had some good songs that would of been great had they a better vocalist and a better songwriter. Could of been a lot more.

Nirvana is one of the best bands to come out in rock. Anybody who doesn't understand why needs to figure it out themselves. I think people who say they are overrated, are the same people saying the Beatles are overrated. People who say they do not like something to look cooler than somebody else. Personally though, I think people who use overrated are not that cool to start with. I prefer to use "overhyped" as opposed to overrated.

‎"I hope that someday we will be able to put away our fears and prejudices and just laugh at people." - Jack Handey.
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