Music Banter - View Single Post - If you could hang out with any member from MB, who would it be?
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Old 05-22-2011, 05:14 AM   #55 (permalink)
Melancholia Eternally
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So you're gonna be in London at the same time as Lateralus? I smell an MB party.

Originally Posted by Paloma View Post
You meeting Anton is my favourite MB story of all time
PD please ask him why he's so Scottish if you meet him

No, don't! Depending on who you ask, I either sound Scottish or Irish. Not impressed at all. At least nobody has thought I was Welsh yet.

Originally Posted by jackhammer View Post

As for a feasible meet it would have to be Mojopinuk as we are so similar and I think we would just hit it off easily and consume a shedload of alcohol in the process whilst throwing shapes in a back street Rock club.
If I were to meet Jackhammer, I imagine it would go something like this. Lots of beer, lots of good rock music, and of courser a beard comparison. Just a heads up though, I will win.

If I were to meet NSW, I imagine it would be on the same night and she would be there purely for spectator/cheerleading reasons during the beard face-off. Perv.

I would take AwwSugar to Ireland to show her what an Irish person really sounds like.

As Paloma mentioned I already met Downwardspiral, at a Sonic Youth gig in Manchester the day before new years eve. It was a brief encounter, which involved bumping into him on my way to the bar while he was throwing shapes, standing on his foot and nearly tripping over him, getting a hug and being told I sounded Scottish, at which point I went to the bar and called him a cunt under my breath.

I would go for a drink with Kayleigh also, to see if she drinks like a real Scot or not. If she does, then she should be able to drink me under the table.

I imagine I would have a nerdy fanboy conversation regarding the likes of Stephen Fry, Black Books and Fawlty Towers with UnchainedBallad. Then I would take him to a dirty, dingy metal club and see if he hated it or not.

I would let Pedestrian buy me drinks for shunning me when she was a few miles away in Newcastle a few months ago.

Lateralus is Australian, and so I would meet her. I don't need another reason. Feel free to bring any of your Aussie girl mates too.

I would go to a Sunderland v Wigan game with Bulldog next season. Oh wait, we will be a league apart by 6pm today, wont we?

I would bake cakes with Holly. And by that I mean I would drink beer and observe, and then eat the cake.

I can't decide whether I would be more likely to have a quiet, fairly intelligent conversation with 333 or a messy, drunken, silly night out.

I would like to sit around and listen to loads of 60's psych rock bands with NumberNineDream.

I don't know Zero1986 terribly well or anything, but I get the feeling he would be very similar to certain friends of mine, who are the kind of people I'm guaranteed to be able to have a good time with. Chilled out, laid back kind of people whose company you can enjoy and are generally easy to get along with, as you always have music to fall back on as a topic of conversation if there are any potentially awkward silences.

I actually have no idea what I would do or where I would go if I were to meet Paloma. I have a feeling we would probably get along but may not have much in common. No idea.

I would enjoy playfully mocking Vanilla's accent and the way she pronounces certain words. I like it really, but thats the English way.

As for former members I would meet Molecules, and raid his music collection.

I would go out for a nice stroll around Newcastle Quayside with Thirtiesgirl...and then throw her in the Tyne.

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