Music Banter - View Single Post - Worst 3 Rappers of All Time?
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Old 05-31-2011, 12:56 PM   #355 (permalink)
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It's hard to pick the worst 3. Do we go with the worst 3 that we have all heard of? I'm sure that even the crappiest rapper on the radio is still better at rapping than my 70 year old grandmother. I'm going to pick the worst 3 rappers that seem to have a following for no apparent reason.

Insane Clown Posse - Technically a duo, but they still fit into this list. Horrorcore lyrics and corny face paint, along with a made up "Dark Carnival" religion and music that creates a following of trailer trash idiots and the scum of the Earth. Do I really need justification for this one?

The Beastie Boys - I know I will catch some flack for this one, but they were and are horrible rappers. Yes, they were white rappers in an era dominated by African Americans. Yes, they sold tons of albums. Regardless, their lyrics and style would be better suited for rock or even punk than for rap. I'm not knocking their musical abilities, just the way that they apply them I suppose. I would honestly rather listen to a turd drop into a toilet than hear some spolied Jewish boys yelling about their mommies throwing away their best porno mags.

Criss-Cross - Two 10 year old kids yelling "wiggidy wiggidy whack!" and wearing their clothes backwards. Enough said.
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