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Old 06-01-2011, 12:51 PM   #2272 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Unknown Soldier View Post
I`d say Steeley Dan`s record sales were on a par with both Journey and Boston. Again you can`t compare the Cars and Devo to Steeley Dan in the studio. Steeley Dan, Journey, Toto and Boston etc were all consummate musicians, perfectionists who basically strived for perfection and spent months in the studio or in Boston`s case years getting it right.

Whereas the Cars and Devo were just a bunch of guys wanting to into a studio and make a record. According to the Cars they were just happy at having a record deal and hoped if the first album was successful they could get to make a another album, they didn`t want Roy Thomas Baker to produce it either due to his production techniques with Queen, but as the record company were dictating to them they didn`t have a choice. As for Devo, according to Brian Eno the group didn`t have a f**k what they were doing anyway!! And this is the magic of the Cars and Devo debuts, its just a bunch of guys going into a studio and producing something that ended up sounding so fresh and different like a lot of new bands were doing at that time.....the only difference is that imo they did it better.

The Cars debut is a timeless simplistic guitar and drum based rock sound with keyboard effects that creates a magical mixture. The Devo debut is manic, spontaneous and they sound f**ked as they sing about vegetables and oddball characters.
Didn't David Bowie have something to do with Devo Soldier? By the way, my vote was for the Cars.

Devo 1
Cars 6
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