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Old 06-04-2011, 02:50 PM   #11 (permalink)
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Deciding wheather I like an album or not is a difficult process imo. If I love the album during my first listen, it's probably just very catchy but it will wear off after a short time. The best albums are growers - those albums that get better and better for each listen and are impossible to tire from. Trouble is that these sort of albums don't seem significant or impressive during the first listen.

The first time I listen to an album, I don't listen through it all the way. I will listen though half a song maybe and then skip to the next - just for a general impression. If it sounds interesting, I will listen to the entire album front to back. How many times? Well, at least two. It all depends. Some albums I'm really patient with because I know or feel that it has the potential to be something I really love listening to.
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