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Old 06-07-2011, 06:08 AM   #20 (permalink)
Killed Laura Palmer
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The thing about how much I spend on Phish is that the vast majority of their fans that I've met spend at least twice as much on them in a given year. I've actually never met a really big fan of the band who hasn't dropped a bare minimum of $75 a year.

This is why Trey's net worth went up last year from $63million to $75million this year. ($9.5million more than Bieber) I know that I could easily just stop buying merchandise or official releases and none of the band members would suffer in the slightest, but I can't do that. They really are good to their fans, good to all of the people who work in their organization, good about donating to charity...if they were complete douches, it'd be easier, but they're not.

They seem to have earned intense loyalty from their fanbase.

It's a hand-me-down, the thoughts are broken
Perhaps they're better left unsung
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