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Thread: Audioslave
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Old 06-07-2011, 01:05 PM   #109 (permalink)
Buzz Killjoy
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ugggh. I keep writing something and pressing the back button and have to start over... dammit, this may take all day, haha.


I never got into Audioslave, they seemed gimmicky and based more on nostalgia than something modern and new. Much like Velvet Revolver or whatever other supergroup came out at the time. I liked RATM and I liked Soundgarden, so naturally when i heard it, I was stoked and bought into the hype of it all.. only to hear a song and thinking.. wow, this is nothing more than mediocrity.

I often find that with the Supergroups. Looking back at some over the years.. The Travelling Wilburys for example, are one of rocks biggest failures. Each member on their own were amazing, and doing great things.. but when they all got together it became a case of too many cooks spoil the soup. So many great talents and ideas, that when it was all said and done, was just mediocrity. Same goes for The Highwaymen to me.

So yeah, I would much rather just listen to one of the groups they came from on their own, rather than some mediocre get together that never seemed to go beyond a good idea gone bad. Just no interest in Audioslave.

Plus of course there is this...

Jesus man... quit it, you are not Zach and I doubt you have the intelligence to even know what the song is about without Tom having to sit down and tell you Politics 101.... this is the probably about the time where I think Chris Cornell lost it, and had this midlife crisis thing going on, about to do what is one of the worst albums of all-time, the should of been aborted "Scream" album. Chris though is now washed up and riding on the nostalgia of Soundgarden though. Maybe he may knock out one more good solo album, but i think at this point he will just go down more and more. I already have a feeling the new Soundgarden will be awful and go down as a lackluster return for a once great band.

‎"I hope that someday we will be able to put away our fears and prejudices and just laugh at people." - Jack Handey.
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