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Old 06-11-2011, 04:59 PM   #2321 (permalink)
Buzz Killjoy
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Megadeth - 5
Metallica - 2

Both of those at the time where kinda weak, both would of on to make 2 albums that were just not very strong, Metallica with "Load" and Megadeth with "Risk".. both of these albums fell short in the listening department.. though both albums when viewed on there own seperated from the rest of the discography had some good songs and as a stand alone album were alright hard rock albums that dropped the thrash roots of the respected bands.

but for the two in question...

Metallica's self-titled, never really got all that interesting to me, it was the start of what they would become, and the Bob Rock era... who i feel is one of the worst producers of all-time, his albums are usually clean sounding, and when it comes to a band like Metallica, they benefit from the more raw stuff.. "Kill em All" was an example of this, if those songs were done now, and by Bob Rock... it would probably not be the impactful album it is now.... he would suck all the life out of it, like he is famous for doing.

"Countdown to Extinction" though had some interesting ideas and I feel has more replay value, it is a more fun album. "Symphony of Destruction" alone is more interesting than what Metallica was doing on the black album.

While I know Metallica's Black Album is still praised by many... it has to many songs that just seem to fall flat... had they sounded a tad more raw and got a more competant producer than Bob Rock, the album could of been much more. It is easily out of what some may call The best time for Metallica, the weakest album.

My vote goes to Megadeth, no question.

Had this been say "Peace Sells...." vs. "Ride the Lightening" i would be debating myself for a long time... but it is not, and between these 2 albums Megadeth will always be the better of the two.

‎"I hope that someday we will be able to put away our fears and prejudices and just laugh at people." - Jack Handey.
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