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Thread: Aerosmith
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Old 06-16-2011, 04:22 AM   #29 (permalink)
Unknown Soldier
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If anybody asked me to sum up what hard rock was all about, I`d either give them a Led Zeppelin or Aerosmith album to listen to as these true groups pretty much define that genre.

The first two Aerosmith albums have some of the bands best material and some of their classic songs, but the both albums lack a level of consistency to be regarded as classic albums. "Toys in the Attic" though is something else, a must have for any hard rock collection and also displays a great level of humour as well as songs like "Round and Round". As for "Rocks" F**K one of the best albums ever recorded and James Hetfield summed it up when he said the album blew him away. The intro on "Nobody`s Fault" alone is worth just buying the album for. "Draw the Line" is the start of the slide though but Kings and Queens is one of their best ever songs.

Its such a shame, that most people value this group on the 1980`s + output and see them for the Bon Jovi style band that they became. In hindsight, they should`ve called it a day with Led Zeppelin in the late 70`s but I still think "Pump" is a classic album.

This group virtually laid down the blueprint for the whole hair metal genre of the 80`s and its just a shame that 99% of these bands wern`t fit enough to lick the boots of Aerosmith.

As for for Steven Tyler as a vocalist and how I would rate rate him, probably one of the best five vocalists in the history of rock!
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