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Old 06-26-2011, 04:48 PM   #16 (permalink)
Rocket Appliances
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So yesterday I told my best friend I'm bisexual.

I had been debating whether or not to tell him for a while, cause on one hand I thought having someone know and someone to talk to about it would be really great, but on the other, if he's not cool with it he could stop being my friend forever or worse, he could tell other people which could lead to high school being absolute ****.

But anyways yesterday he was at my house chilling and I just told him pretty plainly. He actually took it better than I expected, he didn't get all freaked out, he just thought it was kind of weird but he said he still liked me as much as he did before. There was a period a few months ago where my group of friends all though I was gay because of some things I did when I was drunk. He said that he had some thoughts but he never really thought I was bisexual.

So far he's the only person I've told and for now I'd like to keep it that way. He's probably the most open-minded person I know, and telling him was scary enough. I probably won't tell anyone else till I go to college, especialy not my parents.
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